The Problem With Social Networks
January 7, 2009 by admin
I’m a big fan of social networks. I’ve even developed Facebook apps and used Twitter to deliver news. The Internet has made the ability to communicate over multiple platforms an exciting time for grass roots journalism.
But for big media companies, this is not good. It’s judgement day.
In case no one has noticed the sky is falling! Classifieds are gone and the current economic climate has forced everyone to reevaluate how they spend ad dollars. Seriously bad news for newspapers — headline in 80-point helvetica bold. The free flow of information on the web has served one purpose in the case of newspapers — to steal a product that costs money and manpower to create.
How do you right this imbalance? My suggestion is to turn the clock back to 1995 and start charging for access.
Media organizations need to own their content and develop their own audience — independent of the Facebooks of the world. And lock down their content.
By the way, in my opinion, another problem with chasing these social networks? It puts more and more burden on reporters to update blogs, Twitter, etc. It takes time away from going out and reporting a story or working the phones. Oh, and don’t forget to post a web-only story ASAP and then edit video you shot while writing the story for the daily paper. Even Matt Drudge would choke on all that…
Blog originally posted at Wired Journalists