LIA Mobilizes Businesses Against Albany
March 31, 2009 by admin
The Long Island Association and its president, Matt Crosson, are sounding the alarm for local business owners to look at what’s going on in Albany. Apparently, the state budget is not good for Long Island.
Here is an excerpt from the Long Island Business News, in the Monday, March 30 edition, regarding the LIA’s stance:
The head of the region’s most powerful business group is calling the budget deal struck in Albany over the weekend a disaster for Long Island.
In a statement sent to the Long Island Association board, President Matt Crosson said Albany’s leaders defied logic by passing a budget during a recession that would make job creation impossible.
“Governor Paterson and the majority leaders have found a way to make doing business even more expensive,” Crosson said. “It is a budget without logic, without common sense, and without a clear understanding of what is required to bring New York back from this recession.
“A vote in favor of this budget is a vote against the future of Long Island and Long Islanders,” Crosson said.
Read the rest of the story here:
Here is the email blast the LIA sent regarding the issue:
It’s rare that the Long Island Association, the region’s largest business and civic organization since 1926, asks the Long Island community to get into the trenches to fight bad legislation in Albany, but this time we need your help.
The state budget agreed to by Governor Paterson, Senate Majority Leader Smith and Assembly Speaker Silver will be disastrous for Long Island and for your business. Here are a few of the many reasons why. This budget:
+ Imposes new income taxes on 60,000 Long Islanders, including thousands of small businesses
Will cause property taxes to increase.
+ Eliminates $370 million in STAR property tax offsets.
+ Will increase LIPA bills.
+ Will increase all health insurance premiums through new taxes.
+ Provides no economic development programs or stimulus for the Island.
+ Does nothing to reduce state workforce costs, as almost all businesses are doing.
You can help defeat this budget and it won’t take much time. We want you and all of your employees to send an e-mail to the Long Island state legislators. Here’s how you can do it in just a minute or two:
Go to Under the column “LIA Action” click on “Let Your Voice Be Heard.” Click on the boxes labeled “State Senate Members” and “State Assembly Members.” Write your e-mail. All you need to say is: “This budget will be a disaster for my business and Long Island. You must vote against it.” Click “Send E-Mail.”
Your e-mail message will go to all of Long Island’s legislative delegation.
Blog originally posted at LI